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Dining Room Progress


When we first moved in, there was a ceiling fan stationed off-center in the dining room. The previous owners must have put the fan directly over where their table was positioned, with complete disregard to the center of the the room. Being that we have a SQUARE table, we knew this wasn't going to work. So B and our extremely talented & handy friend went to work on removing the fan, re-centering the electrical and hanging the chandelier that was given to us by my cousin.

It was a long project, with a lot of drywall dust and a few trips to Home Depot.  But watching these guys was so much fun.

I was the lucky one who was assigned the job of lining up all the crystals and stringing them together.  This was tedious, but well worth it!

Also, during this project, I was prohibited from coming near any electrical, and for good reason.  I had flash-backs of when I got electrocuted at our old house trying to hang the chandelier by myself...(B was on his bachelor party and I was channeling my energy toward something efficient)

B and his hi-tech protective gear (trash bag + sunglasses)
Finished! But of course, the medallion we didn't have prior to hanging the chandelier...I picked it up at Home Depot for $50 and spray painted it with high gloss black spray paint.  B had to take the whole dang thing down, attach the medallion and then reassemble.  Poor guy, he's a trooper though!
I just LOVE this room now!

Now I just need a rug, large mirror for the back wall and window treatment for the french doors.


The Big Move

After moving into our first home a few months ago, I have finally had a second to sit and breath...and begin to blog again! I actually have a backlog and have been taking some photos along the way I just needed to get settled and now caught up on the posting. I enjoy it so much because it helps me journal and chronicle our progress!Our home was built in 1923 and has a lot of character! Thankfully there were not huge projects that needed to be taken, but rather, little design projects to make it our own!

Here is B finding a creative way to fill the wine fridge space (until we can afford to purchase one - it works for me!)

Here are the "before" - the "after" are coming!
In the middle of painting...bye bye yellow, helloooo Grey!
I was in "grey hell" as my mom and I called it for nearly a month trying to find the perfect shade of grey.  It is not as easy as it would seem! 
We also decided to paint the fireplace!! Took a leap of faith and I think it turned out as we had imagined.

 We decided to put candles in the fireplace for now since it is not completely "functional"
 One of my favorite mantle pieces, lobster cross bottle.

 B getting comfy!

I will be posting more pics of our projects and finds so keep your eye out!


Sweet Potato Fries

After trying out various recipes for homemade sweet potato fries, I have finally found my two favorites.  The best/healthiest way to prepare sweet potato fries is to cut them from the actual, oddly shaped honking potato.  The actual sweet potato is ugly (sad for the potato) but packs a potent punch of nutrition! 

Photo courtesy of Zoe Bakes

These ugly tubers are truly the best starch out there on the market if you ask me.  I really didn't get into sweet potatoes until I was told they were the only starch I could eat via an appointment with a clinical nutritionist.  Actually, my entire life I had completely avoided the potato/yam as a whole...which reminds me, I actually had to look up the difference between a sweet potato and a yam because I had no idea what the differences were.  I was shocked to discover the truth about yams v. sweet potato, you can read more about it here.  But something magical truly occurs when you are able to slice, coat and bake these little nutritional superstars.  They turn into an actually edible delight that perfectly complement a turkey burger! 

So one option is to slice the potatos into french fry size sections and coat with olive oil, sea salt, black pepper and fresh pressed garlic.  Mix in a bowl until lightly coated and then bake at 400 degrees for 45 minutes.  

I learned that for crispier fries, you should leave the skin ON.  If you peel the potatoes (as shown in the first picture above) the fries never fully get firm (never a good thing).

You could also put a little coconut oil in a pan, heat the oil, and then throw the sliced potatoes in the pan for 10-15 minutes, then sprinkle with cinnamon.  This version complements grilled chicken nicely and I got the idea from my Aunt who made them for me when I was visiting her in Arizona- why does it seem when anyone else cooks for you it tastes better?  

Last word on fries: I know it is TEMPTING to just pick up a bag of the frozen, pre-cut sweet potatoes at your grocery store, but resist the urge.  Those are coated with flour and other ingredients which take away from the nutritional value of freshly baked sweet potatoes. 


Guest Post! Check out these Great kitchens for Design Inspiration!


Hi! I'm Joanna and I am a writer for Design Shuffle, a powerful online portfolio tool for interior designers. Additionally, DS is a wonderful site to gather decorating ideas for the dedicated design enthusiast. Today, I will be sharing some of the most beautiful kitchens with windows on the web. Enjoy!

A kitchen with windows makes for an inviting, cheerful and appealing space. My kitchen has a wall of windows across one side, with the sink overlooking the garden. I love the way the light plays through the panes at different times of the day. I spend at least four + hours in this room a day, so the constant ambient light makes me happy and inspired. Today I bring you eight kitchens with interesting windows. Which is your favorite?

Kitchen Windows

Sparkling white and harmonious, this is one kitchen I would hate to leave. I visualize cooking up a beautiful brunch on a lazy Sunday morning while enjoying the many outside views through the oversized windows.

Kitchen Windows

This lovely European style kitchen enjoys the sunlight streaming through multiple windows and doors. The chandelier at the bar expresses a livable elegance that is both inviting and chic.

Kitchen Windows

A small kitchen gets enlarged by windows on the long wall and at the bench seats to the left. I can just imagine opening the windows on a warmish spring morning and letting the cross breezes in.

Kitchen Windows

Wow! One of my favorite kitchen designs, this beauty brings the sea inside organically melding between the sea foam hued surf and the homeís sea foam interior colors.

Kitchen Windows

Daylight spilling in an oversized window with transom gives this kitchen a happy ambianceóboth inviting and friendly. I would love to sip tea at the kitchen table and catch up with close friends. Have you been inspired with†any interior design ideas so far?

Kitchen Windows

With a window surround this eat-in kitchen would make for a charming dining experience for the family. I love the tufted chairs set against a rough hewn floor.

Kitchen Windows

A farmhouse kitchen boasts a wall of windows overlooking a patio garden. This space gives off a modern vibe while it has all the classic elements making it serene and soothing.

Kitchen Windows

By far my very favorite windowóI love how it brings the outdoors inside. A cheerful pot of flowers anchors nature to the rest of the room. I wouldnít want to leave this space! So many interior design ideas pop into my mind.

Images 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8

Windows in your kitchen provide †amazing style and a fresh and airy ambiance. To find more inspiration, check out Design Shuffle! It features the best designs from top Los Angeles interior designers, New York interior designers and a wide range of others!


Unconventional Healthy Favorite Salad Toppers


These two toppers have been a staple around my salad of late:

1) Tahini (nutty flavor + thick consistency adds depth to the leafy greens)

Photo courtesy of Pantry Diaries

2) Nutritional Yeast Flakes (cheesy and light, surprisingly tasty!)
Nutritional yeast is NOT traditional yeast...even safe for those with Candida! I read about this tasty topper in Kimberly Snyder's Beauty Detox book.  She incorporates this ingredient in a lot of her recipes! Although it is a bit on the pricy side, around $9.00 a bag, it lasts a long time as you only use a little bit each time!
Photo courtesy of Food To Glow


Chocolate MACA Protein Shake


One of my favorite shakes lately (and during my cleansing fast) has been a Chocolate MACA Protein shake.

If you have never heard of "Maca" are in for a nutty/malty treat! I categorize Maca in the superfoods group along with other natural superfoods like cacao and goji berries.

Maca powder has many benefits for our bodies, including stipulating the endocrine system in the production of good hormones, increased libido, and much more! It is kind of expensive, and goes for about $11 at health food stores, or you can buy it online too.  I always like to get it from Mother's so I know what I am getting.

It is SUPER easy to make.  The only problem is, I don't think I can have it anymore because it contains bananas, which do not fit in squarely with my "No-starch" AS diet.  (To relieve symptoms of Ankylosing Spondylitis)

But it is only a banana, so we'll see...

To make:
1 1/2 cups Unsweetened Vanilla Almond Milk
1 frozen banana
1 scoop MRM Veggie Protein Powder, Chocolate
1 tbsp. Raw Maca Powder
5 ice cubes

Blend all ingredients in blender and enjoy with a straw!

I sometimes change it up a bit by using RAW Protein powder and a tbsp. of almond butter. 

It gives it a nice nutty flavor.  You can also try putting a tbsp. of raw cacao powder in for a super rich and creamy delight!!!!

And speaking of cleansing, tonight, after having a very tough day...I felt like breaking the fast on something bad and all I could think about was pizza.  I know I have one more day left but I couldn't fathom drinking another dinner (whether it be hot soup or a juice/smoothie) so I cracked and had a bowl of artichoke hearts steamed in water with seasonings.  I ate half the bowl and was full.  Then I had some organic unsweetened applesauce.  I am still full 2 hours later.  I guess the cleanse really does work.  I am actually excited to get back on it tomorrow.  Still going strong, feeling energized more than ever, and haven't taken an Aleve in 7 days. :)


Strawberry Banana Freeze

I apologize there is no picture for this - the reason is because we ate it too fast! It was SOOO good, and I didn't want to waste a bite by stopping to snap some photos!


2 frozen bananas (un-peel before freezing)
1/2 bag organic strawberries
1/4 tsp. Vanilla Extract
1 Tbsp. Unsweetened Vanilla Almond Milk
5 drops liquid Stevia


Blend in High Speed Blender until texture becomes a sorbet.  Use a narrow spatula to transfer sorbet to dessert cups and enjoy!


Show and Tell...And the Big Hands


First impressions are important, but you enter into a whole separate level of human perception when a man decides to showcase his wife at work....You know as well as I do that it is important for a woman to know where here man is at work, just as it is important for a man to know where he wife is trekking off to complete her 9-5 day away from him.

My first time at B's work, I pondered Ad nauseam what to wear, how to wear my hair, considering that I did not want to appear over-dressed or over-done, and certainly not frumpy.

I decided on jeans, flats, a sweater and slightly curled hair with natural make-up.  I was paraded around the office and greeted by numerous colleagues.  Everyone was very nice.  The next time I met the co-workers was at the Christmas party.  I had an opportunity to meet more people this time.  We sat across from a man who was very talkative, funny, and clearly liked to lead conversations with his nice and somewhat quieter wife beside him. Overall, the party was a success full of eating, mingling, taking 2nd place in the Dessert Contest!!!! (Yay Mom's Famous Pumpkin Bars - which Bryan aptly named "Pumpkin Bars All Over Your Face" for the contest)

Only days after the Christmas party did I hear that the co-worker we had been sitting across from while we ate had commented to Bryan later at work "Your wife is lovely, beautiful.  She has very big HANDS."

What?????? Who says that? And B explained he said it as a "compliment." Since when and in what universe is a female having "big hands" a compliment???? I was appalled.  And to provide more details to the story, B told me he hadn't even told me about his comment until a couple days after the first hand comment, the man came up to B at work again and said, "Your wife probably hates me now, huh, because I said she has big hands?"  THis indicates to me that HE KNEW it was an off-the-wall comment and completely insulting! He proceeded to explain that it was a good thing I had big hands, for the life of me I will never understand why.


"Weighty" Commentary

Why can't people just keep their opinions and commentary to themselves.  Apparently social graces are extinct in some peoples vocabularies and worlds.

Every time I would go to my nail salon in high school and college, there was one Vietnamese girl there who would comment on my weight, EVERY time! One time, she told me "You loo teh poun mor you loo perfec," (translation: You lose ten lbs. more you look perfect.)

I almost cried and have never forgotten that comment in 10 years.  I had the chance to go back to the same nail place over the holiday break.  My hair is dark brown now (former blonde) and to most people I am hard to recognize at first glance, but wouldn't you know it, that same girl recognized me immedietly as I walked in and said "Oh you so skinnayy."  I almost died laughing.

I would like to think and at least tell myself that I have matured and refuse to let her comments bother me anymore, but I think deep down I will never EVER forget that haunting "You loo teh poun mor you loo perfec."

Didn't other peoples parents teach them "If you have nothing nice to say, don't say anything at all?" I'm sorry, but that's how I was raised people!!!!


Day 2 of the Fast...Bryan cracks.


Right now I am drinking Sugar Free Chai + Unsweetened Almond Milk with a few drops of liquid Stevia out of a wine glass in a futile attempt to trick myself into thinking I am actually drinking dessert and that it is a treat.

Today was day 2 of the cleansing fast.  I think it was a bit harder than yesterday.  I juiced for breakfast, after having a tall glass of water with the juice of half a lemon and a tsp. of Bragg's Apple Cider Vinegar (which is going to be my new AM ritual.)  I used to just have water with lemon juice to kick-start my digestion for the day because I read in the "Eat Right 4 Your Blood Type book that Type A bloods tend to produce more mucus (especially during the night) so in the AM a glass of water upon rising with lemon juice helps stimulate the digestive enzymes and reduce mucus in the intestines.

Anyway, I got one of those HUGE Mother's Market 32 oz. fresh green juices today, the Goddess of Greens, like I had yesterday.  Literally, 2 people asked me what I was drinking.  And they said it in such a tone as to indicate their utter disgust and/or complete curiosity as if I were a jungle freak.  I knew I was going to be out and about until later in the afternoon so I wanted to make sure I had enough to sustain me until I got home to have a protein shake.

By the time Bryan came home from work, it was clear my partner in crime was bailing on me. He came home looking so so hungry, the poor guy.  I told him while I appreciated him supporting me in my cleanse endeavors, he was not sick, nor fat, nor nearly dead (thank you Lord) so he could break the fast.

He promptly went to the Hat (which he had been fantasizing about for some time now) and when he came back, I could smell the trans fats on his breath.  I sucked down a blended greens/fruit concoction instead.  I already has a dream last night that I broke the fast, and I woke up relieved it was just a dream.  I have a feeling this is going to be a recurring dream/nightmare throughout the duration of the fast, where my subconscious literally decides what food it wants to indulge in once the fast is over.  And my subconscious is like a little devil, never craving zucchini or fresh fruit!

I am praying day 3 gets easier!  I will say that although I am a bit cranky and short fused, I do feel "cleaner."  And my energy level is fine!


Fat Sick & Nearly Dead inspires Reboot (Cleansing Fast)

Yesterday I started my juice/liquids fast after being inspired by the documentary entitled "Fat, Sick and Nearly Dead." 

I do not consider myself fat, but the sick part definitely strikes a chord with me as I have been battling an inflammatory issue and want to give digestive system a break, to allow my body to use the energy it uses to facilitate digestion and instead use that energy to start healing.  But let's be honest, there is really never a good time to decide to stop eating solids, unless you are an infant.

So how is it going so far? Recap of yesterday: I juiced apple, pear and orange in the AM.  Then I went to the doctor, followed by a Mother's Market Goddess of Greens (instead of celery I asked for ginger because I do not like the strong flavor of celery).  Then I had a protein shake, made with vegan protein powder (chocolate flavor), almond milk, frozen banana, some ice, and a tbsp. Raw Maca Powder. That was DE-LICIOUS.  I think that will be my staple shake throughout this fast because the doctor told me I needed to get extra protein from somewhere.

I noticed I was grumpy.  I couldn't help it.  I was drinking a green apple, lemon, cucumber, spinach, and ginger for dinner.   Bryan was all psyched up to join me on this journey to wellness.  He is so supportive, and not only puts up with a wife who is drinking her meals and suffering the consequences of food-less rage, but also juices my morning blends before he goes to work.  Last night though, although my partner made it through the first day, he had to have some soup for dinner, something warm! I didn't blame him, at least it was still liquid!

I am hoping the cravings and hunger pangs will subside tomorrow, or the next day.  I am looking only 2 days ahead, taking the fast in 3-day chunks in order to avoid mental exhaustion and a self-fulfilling prohecy of failure.

I sipped on tea later in the evening.  Sigh.


Zucchini Hummus Recipe!


I have brought this dip to a few holiday parties and everyone seems to love it! It is a healthier alternative to traditional hummus made from chickpeas.  Plus, I have not had much luck with the whole soaking, boiling, cooking chickpeas.  Those suckers do NOT want to get soft!


1 1/2 cups zucchini (peeled and sliced)
1/2 c. raw tahini paste (or 1/4 c. raw tahini sauce)
juice from 1 lemon (organic)
2 tsp. chopped fresh parsley (or dried parsley flakes work too)
3-4 garlic cloves
2 tbsp.  extra-virgin olive oil
1/2 tsp. cumin
1/2 tsp. paprika
pinch cayenne pepper
1 tsp. sea salt

Place ingredients in blender (Vitamix preferred or other high speed blender) and blend on high for 15 seconds.  pour into bowl, cover and chill for 2 hours.  Top with paprika, parsley flakes and pine nuts and a bit of olive oil.

Note: Raw tahini paste is best to use in this recipe, but I had a hard time finding it (they don't have it at Sprouts or Trader Joe's.  I use 1/4 c. tahini sauce.)  I tried adding xantham gum to one batch to increase thickness, and the result was a gummy bouncy texture that I did not like at all! So try to find the tahini paste at Mother's market or your local health food store!


Oh Blogging, How I've Missed You

I have not posted for quite some time due to the fact that a lot has been going on in my personal life.  Sometimes, when things get hairy, my instinct is not to sit down and write.  A lot of the light-hearted posts that used to flow freely from my fingertips were not coming so easily these past couple months.  We have been through a lot of changes to name a few: moving, losing my job at a law firm, being in escrow on a house and then backing out of it due to the change in our financial circumstances.  2011 has brought a tremendous amount of change, both the good and bad varieties.  I never imagined I would be entering the new year jobless, in a new apartment, wondering what 2012 will bring. 

By way of recap (2011):

Highlights: getting married, our new puppy, God providing in ways we never could have expected or dreamed. 

Lowlights: Bryan's grandmother passed in May, around the same time my parents announced their divorce after 31 years of marriage.  We lost the adorable little house in Fullerton we had grown to love, I've seen 7+ doctors in an effort to diagnose and treat my chronic inflammation.  I took a new job (sadly leaving the DA's office, my home away from home) at a civil law firm in June hoping to gain new experiences and expand my horizons and skills as an attorney.  Sadly, this November I lost my job due to taking time off for my illness. 

I'm not the only one who switched jobs this year.  Bryan also switched companies in October.  AND...we moved, twice

Looking back on this year - the one word I can describe it as is ROLLER-COASTER.  There are only so many life-altering events that can happen to a person in a 12 month period of time.  I am blessed for all the amazing family and friends and blessings in my life, but I would be lying if I said that it has been easy to keep a happy face through all of this ahem, adversity and change of circumstances. 

Nevertheless, it is my new years resolution (one of them) to get back into blogging.  So cheers to 2012 and all the many wonderful blessings coming to all of us, to trusting in God's faithfulness, and being thankful in every circumstance that we are Saved!


The Cocoa and Milk Debate


I recently had this long conversation with my mother about the difference between "Cacao" and "Cocoa."  Although the two varieties seem similar at first glance, the word "cocoa" is actually a derivative of "cacao." Both are commonly interchanged, however there is a difference that you may not have picked up.

Cacao comes straight from the cacao bean, in its raw form.  **P.S. It's also more expensive...about $13.00 for a bag of Raw Cacao Powder.

Cocoa, on the other hand, is the highly processed ingredient present in hot cocoa or hot chocolate (in powder form) after it has undergone extensive processing.

Nutritional hints regarding the benefits and research regarding cacao vs. cocoa:

"Prolonged intake of flavanol-rich cocoa has been linked to cardiovascular health benefits, though it should be noted that this refers to raw cocoa (from the Cacao plant seed) and to a lesser extent, dark chocolate, since flavonoids degrade during cooking and alkalizing processes.  Studies have found short term benefits in LDL cholesterol levels from dark chocolate consumption. The addition of whole milk to milk chocolate reduces the overall cocoa content per ounce while increasing saturated fat levels, possibly negating some of cocoa's heart-healthy potential benefits."1

Which leads me to my next topic: whole milk.  I would think by now, with all the documentaries like Forks Over Knives, Ingredients, etc., most people would jump on the bandwagon by realizing that the whole "Got Milk" campaign, while attractive and enticingly creative, is a bunch of BS.  (I need to remind you of my disclaimer right about now, I don't want the milk people coming after me.)

Anyhow, it is no big secret that cows milk is a highly processed, casein filled beverage that does more harm to our bodies than good.  And they just don't make it now-a-days like they used to in the 'ol days either, which only adds insult to injury. 

Even still, consumers have been programmed like robots to assume as fact that milk "Does a Body Good," right? And that those funny cows on the commercials are gleefully grazing mammals pumping milk straight from their udders to your icy glass and foamy mustache.  I mean, if Heidi Klum and Usher drink it, then it must be pure quality goodness.  They successfully have brainwashed consumers to believe whole-heartedly that we need our precious milk to obtain proper calcium for our bones and stay strong and healthy.  Wrong!  Milk is not processed by human digestive systems well at all, even those who are not lactose intolerant.  And there is more calcium in fresh vegetables and other organic whole foods than in milk, which don't contain dangerous hormone-induced additives!

People seem to get very defensive about this subject, as they do with the topic of eating meat.  I know, I live with a man.  He loves his milk, meat, and potatoes, and no one is going to tell him otherwise.  Except, over the past few months as I have been making changes to my diet, he has been making sutle changes here and there as well.  Not only has he lost 17 lbs, but he feels better and has more energy.  Every now and again B will go out and have a burger, when his late night In-n-Out cravings call! And that's ok!

But honestly, my unilateral decision to replace the almond milk in our fridge (where I once used to buy 2% for him, and almond milk for me), has never been contested! Also, I even bought soy nog this year, the rice nog was nothing like the EggNog we grew up loving.  I wish they would come out with an almond nog! I think I am going to try to make my own using the Vitamix.  Any excuse to utilize my new favorite kitchen accessory, my nut mylk bag!



Our Daily Red...Wine


It can get Über frustrating reading all kinds of different scientific claims regarding what's good for you and what's not good for you.  We all know alcohol is not the best for our bodies as it turns to sugar in our bodies and creates acidity in our tissues.  However, red wine is one of those beverages that I consistently hear is not so bad for you, and that in fact, a glass a night can actually have beneficial cardiovascular effects.  Don't quote me, though.

All I am saying is, I was happy to find a decent, organic sulfate-free red wine.  I am allergic to sulfates, my face gets numb after half a glass...suffice to say I'm a cheap date.  But, with organic wine, I was able to drink 2 small glasses and not slur my words! No numbness!


Spinach Lasagna (Gluten Free/Mostly Vegan - except for the Ricotta!)


Here is a recipe for a super healthy and tasty lasagna! I adapted it from the Eat Right for Your Type book.  It originally was a recipe for Spinach Pesto Lasagna, which you could use, but without getting too personal, ok... too much pesto gives me gas.  Type A's typically are not supposed to have tomatos/tomato sauce, but, once in a while isn't going to kill me.

I used Rice Lasagna noodles (no gluten) and cooked them first.  They got all soggy and fell apart.  Layer sauce, noodles, mixture of Ricotta and extra firm tofu, spinach, and then repeat.  Bake for 45 minutes on 375 or until brown around edges and slightly browned on the top.  Enjoy!


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