About Me
About Me & The Housewife Code:
Over the course of the next three years as I worked on my career, I began to learn just how deep my inadequate dometic functioning reached, as I tried Palmolive in the dishwasher once and came home to security laughing and taking pictures at the bubbles exploding overhead from my kitchen. Then there was the time I mindlessly forgot to take my sheets from the washer and put them in the dryer. Two weeks later, I remembered those purple sheets! I swiftly retrieved said sheets only to throw them in the dryer cycle for a few quick minutes and then get in bed for a nights sleep when I a strong mold aroma eminating from my pillow almost caused me to vomit. I called my mom. She said you can't do that. You learn best the hard way, or in my case, the smelly way I suppose...
So people sometimes ask me, how did you get where you are in life? Really....it amazes me at times how I learned the Penal Code, Evidence Code, Vehicle Code, Civil + Criminal Procedure Codes, Health and Safety Codes...you get the picture, and yet with all that knowledge somewhere in my brain, I still can manage to nearly blow up the house by putting a foiled wrapped butter stick in the microwave, or attempting to re-light the gas stove after it had lost it's flame and been emitting gas for 5 minutes.
My mother blames herself, but to her credit, she's managed a full time job and raising 2 kids and 2 dogs and made it seem easy. She'd pull together meals for us most nights on the fly. And by meals, I mean, "super simple meals," which require less than 30 minutes to gather, assemble, cook and eat. I never learned about spices, sautees, or casseroles, Oh My! And I also thought, quite frankly, that being a power house in a tailored suit and designer stilletos made me all woman.

And for those reasons, I committed myself to enhancing my domestic IQ by preparing the housewife code. That means simply, to make an EFFORT to learn. They say we only use 10% of our brains, so surely, although time is scant and obligations and responsibilities take over, the simple joy of stirring that wooden spoon in a fresh lemon cream cheese batter fulfills my inner domestic goddess in a way I never knew possible.
The "housewife code" it's not just about cooking, cleaning or anti-feminist minded "submission." It is all things lovely and womanly about a newlywed wife who enjoys her title and status as ruler of all things domestic - At work, you rock it, but you don't stop rocking when you get home. It's about enhancing yourself (think rich scrubs and velvety body souffles, long baths after a tiring 10 hour day at the office, the pride of flaunting a new designer outfit you got at 40% off at the Rack), romantic gestures, surprises for your husband, and how about continuing your domestic education by supplementing with reading tips or experimenting with new recipes. After all, the State Bar, as well as nearly all professional associations, mandate continuing education, and we don't think twice about complying. So why shouldn't the homemaker in us all require the same?
If I can do it, anyone can. Have fun! XOXO