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The Big Move


After moving into our first home a few months ago, I have finally had a second to sit and breath...and begin to blog again! I actually have a backlog and have been taking some photos along the way I just needed to get settled and now caught up on the posting. I enjoy it so much because it helps me journal and chronicle our progress!Our home was built in 1923 and has a lot of character! Thankfully there were not huge projects that needed to be taken, but rather, little design projects to make it our own!

Here is B finding a creative way to fill the wine fridge space (until we can afford to purchase one - it works for me!)

Here are the "before" - the "after" are coming!
In the middle of painting...bye bye yellow, helloooo Grey!
I was in "grey hell" as my mom and I called it for nearly a month trying to find the perfect shade of grey.  It is not as easy as it would seem! 
We also decided to paint the fireplace!! Took a leap of faith and I think it turned out as we had imagined.

 We decided to put candles in the fireplace for now since it is not completely "functional"
 One of my favorite mantle pieces, lobster cross bottle.

 B getting comfy!

I will be posting more pics of our projects and finds so keep your eye out!


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