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Unconventional Healthy Favorite Salad Toppers


These two toppers have been a staple around my salad of late:

1) Tahini (nutty flavor + thick consistency adds depth to the leafy greens)

Photo courtesy of Pantry Diaries

2) Nutritional Yeast Flakes (cheesy and light, surprisingly tasty!)
Nutritional yeast is NOT traditional yeast...even safe for those with Candida! I read about this tasty topper in Kimberly Snyder's Beauty Detox book.  She incorporates this ingredient in a lot of her recipes! Although it is a bit on the pricy side, around $9.00 a bag, it lasts a long time as you only use a little bit each time!
Photo courtesy of Food To Glow


Chocolate MACA Protein Shake


One of my favorite shakes lately (and during my cleansing fast) has been a Chocolate MACA Protein shake.

If you have never heard of "Maca" are in for a nutty/malty treat! I categorize Maca in the superfoods group along with other natural superfoods like cacao and goji berries.

Maca powder has many benefits for our bodies, including stipulating the endocrine system in the production of good hormones, increased libido, and much more! It is kind of expensive, and goes for about $11 at health food stores, or you can buy it online too.  I always like to get it from Mother's so I know what I am getting.

It is SUPER easy to make.  The only problem is, I don't think I can have it anymore because it contains bananas, which do not fit in squarely with my "No-starch" AS diet.  (To relieve symptoms of Ankylosing Spondylitis)

But it is only a banana, so we'll see...

To make:
1 1/2 cups Unsweetened Vanilla Almond Milk
1 frozen banana
1 scoop MRM Veggie Protein Powder, Chocolate
1 tbsp. Raw Maca Powder
5 ice cubes

Blend all ingredients in blender and enjoy with a straw!

I sometimes change it up a bit by using RAW Protein powder and a tbsp. of almond butter. 

It gives it a nice nutty flavor.  You can also try putting a tbsp. of raw cacao powder in for a super rich and creamy delight!!!!

And speaking of cleansing, tonight, after having a very tough day...I felt like breaking the fast on something bad and all I could think about was pizza.  I know I have one more day left but I couldn't fathom drinking another dinner (whether it be hot soup or a juice/smoothie) so I cracked and had a bowl of artichoke hearts steamed in water with seasonings.  I ate half the bowl and was full.  Then I had some organic unsweetened applesauce.  I am still full 2 hours later.  I guess the cleanse really does work.  I am actually excited to get back on it tomorrow.  Still going strong, feeling energized more than ever, and haven't taken an Aleve in 7 days. :)


Strawberry Banana Freeze

I apologize there is no picture for this - the reason is because we ate it too fast! It was SOOO good, and I didn't want to waste a bite by stopping to snap some photos!


2 frozen bananas (un-peel before freezing)
1/2 bag organic strawberries
1/4 tsp. Vanilla Extract
1 Tbsp. Unsweetened Vanilla Almond Milk
5 drops liquid Stevia


Blend in High Speed Blender until texture becomes a sorbet.  Use a narrow spatula to transfer sorbet to dessert cups and enjoy!


Show and Tell...And the Big Hands


First impressions are important, but you enter into a whole separate level of human perception when a man decides to showcase his wife at work....You know as well as I do that it is important for a woman to know where here man is at work, just as it is important for a man to know where he wife is trekking off to complete her 9-5 day away from him.

My first time at B's work, I pondered Ad nauseam what to wear, how to wear my hair, considering that I did not want to appear over-dressed or over-done, and certainly not frumpy.

I decided on jeans, flats, a sweater and slightly curled hair with natural make-up.  I was paraded around the office and greeted by numerous colleagues.  Everyone was very nice.  The next time I met the co-workers was at the Christmas party.  I had an opportunity to meet more people this time.  We sat across from a man who was very talkative, funny, and clearly liked to lead conversations with his nice and somewhat quieter wife beside him. Overall, the party was a success full of eating, mingling, taking 2nd place in the Dessert Contest!!!! (Yay Mom's Famous Pumpkin Bars - which Bryan aptly named "Pumpkin Bars All Over Your Face" for the contest)

Only days after the Christmas party did I hear that the co-worker we had been sitting across from while we ate had commented to Bryan later at work "Your wife is lovely, beautiful.  She has very big HANDS."

What?????? Who says that? And B explained he said it as a "compliment." Since when and in what universe is a female having "big hands" a compliment???? I was appalled.  And to provide more details to the story, B told me he hadn't even told me about his comment until a couple days after the first hand comment, the man came up to B at work again and said, "Your wife probably hates me now, huh, because I said she has big hands?"  THis indicates to me that HE KNEW it was an off-the-wall comment and completely insulting! He proceeded to explain that it was a good thing I had big hands, for the life of me I will never understand why.


"Weighty" Commentary

Why can't people just keep their opinions and commentary to themselves.  Apparently social graces are extinct in some peoples vocabularies and worlds.

Every time I would go to my nail salon in high school and college, there was one Vietnamese girl there who would comment on my weight, EVERY time! One time, she told me "You loo teh poun mor you loo perfec," (translation: You lose ten lbs. more you look perfect.)

I almost cried and have never forgotten that comment in 10 years.  I had the chance to go back to the same nail place over the holiday break.  My hair is dark brown now (former blonde) and to most people I am hard to recognize at first glance, but wouldn't you know it, that same girl recognized me immedietly as I walked in and said "Oh you so skinnayy."  I almost died laughing.

I would like to think and at least tell myself that I have matured and refuse to let her comments bother me anymore, but I think deep down I will never EVER forget that haunting "You loo teh poun mor you loo perfec."

Didn't other peoples parents teach them "If you have nothing nice to say, don't say anything at all?" I'm sorry, but that's how I was raised people!!!!


Day 2 of the Fast...Bryan cracks.


Right now I am drinking Sugar Free Chai + Unsweetened Almond Milk with a few drops of liquid Stevia out of a wine glass in a futile attempt to trick myself into thinking I am actually drinking dessert and that it is a treat.

Today was day 2 of the cleansing fast.  I think it was a bit harder than yesterday.  I juiced for breakfast, after having a tall glass of water with the juice of half a lemon and a tsp. of Bragg's Apple Cider Vinegar (which is going to be my new AM ritual.)  I used to just have water with lemon juice to kick-start my digestion for the day because I read in the "Eat Right 4 Your Blood Type book that Type A bloods tend to produce more mucus (especially during the night) so in the AM a glass of water upon rising with lemon juice helps stimulate the digestive enzymes and reduce mucus in the intestines.

Anyway, I got one of those HUGE Mother's Market 32 oz. fresh green juices today, the Goddess of Greens, like I had yesterday.  Literally, 2 people asked me what I was drinking.  And they said it in such a tone as to indicate their utter disgust and/or complete curiosity as if I were a jungle freak.  I knew I was going to be out and about until later in the afternoon so I wanted to make sure I had enough to sustain me until I got home to have a protein shake.

By the time Bryan came home from work, it was clear my partner in crime was bailing on me. He came home looking so so hungry, the poor guy.  I told him while I appreciated him supporting me in my cleanse endeavors, he was not sick, nor fat, nor nearly dead (thank you Lord) so he could break the fast.

He promptly went to the Hat (which he had been fantasizing about for some time now) and when he came back, I could smell the trans fats on his breath.  I sucked down a blended greens/fruit concoction instead.  I already has a dream last night that I broke the fast, and I woke up relieved it was just a dream.  I have a feeling this is going to be a recurring dream/nightmare throughout the duration of the fast, where my subconscious literally decides what food it wants to indulge in once the fast is over.  And my subconscious is like a little devil, never craving zucchini or fresh fruit!

I am praying day 3 gets easier!  I will say that although I am a bit cranky and short fused, I do feel "cleaner."  And my energy level is fine!


Fat Sick & Nearly Dead inspires Reboot (Cleansing Fast)

Yesterday I started my juice/liquids fast after being inspired by the documentary entitled "Fat, Sick and Nearly Dead." 

I do not consider myself fat, but the sick part definitely strikes a chord with me as I have been battling an inflammatory issue and want to give digestive system a break, to allow my body to use the energy it uses to facilitate digestion and instead use that energy to start healing.  But let's be honest, there is really never a good time to decide to stop eating solids, unless you are an infant.

So how is it going so far? Recap of yesterday: I juiced apple, pear and orange in the AM.  Then I went to the doctor, followed by a Mother's Market Goddess of Greens (instead of celery I asked for ginger because I do not like the strong flavor of celery).  Then I had a protein shake, made with vegan protein powder (chocolate flavor), almond milk, frozen banana, some ice, and a tbsp. Raw Maca Powder. That was DE-LICIOUS.  I think that will be my staple shake throughout this fast because the doctor told me I needed to get extra protein from somewhere.

I noticed I was grumpy.  I couldn't help it.  I was drinking a green apple, lemon, cucumber, spinach, and ginger for dinner.   Bryan was all psyched up to join me on this journey to wellness.  He is so supportive, and not only puts up with a wife who is drinking her meals and suffering the consequences of food-less rage, but also juices my morning blends before he goes to work.  Last night though, although my partner made it through the first day, he had to have some soup for dinner, something warm! I didn't blame him, at least it was still liquid!

I am hoping the cravings and hunger pangs will subside tomorrow, or the next day.  I am looking only 2 days ahead, taking the fast in 3-day chunks in order to avoid mental exhaustion and a self-fulfilling prohecy of failure.

I sipped on tea later in the evening.  Sigh.


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