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Day 2 of the Fast...Bryan cracks.


Right now I am drinking Sugar Free Chai + Unsweetened Almond Milk with a few drops of liquid Stevia out of a wine glass in a futile attempt to trick myself into thinking I am actually drinking dessert and that it is a treat.

Today was day 2 of the cleansing fast.  I think it was a bit harder than yesterday.  I juiced for breakfast, after having a tall glass of water with the juice of half a lemon and a tsp. of Bragg's Apple Cider Vinegar (which is going to be my new AM ritual.)  I used to just have water with lemon juice to kick-start my digestion for the day because I read in the "Eat Right 4 Your Blood Type book that Type A bloods tend to produce more mucus (especially during the night) so in the AM a glass of water upon rising with lemon juice helps stimulate the digestive enzymes and reduce mucus in the intestines.

Anyway, I got one of those HUGE Mother's Market 32 oz. fresh green juices today, the Goddess of Greens, like I had yesterday.  Literally, 2 people asked me what I was drinking.  And they said it in such a tone as to indicate their utter disgust and/or complete curiosity as if I were a jungle freak.  I knew I was going to be out and about until later in the afternoon so I wanted to make sure I had enough to sustain me until I got home to have a protein shake.

By the time Bryan came home from work, it was clear my partner in crime was bailing on me. He came home looking so so hungry, the poor guy.  I told him while I appreciated him supporting me in my cleanse endeavors, he was not sick, nor fat, nor nearly dead (thank you Lord) so he could break the fast.

He promptly went to the Hat (which he had been fantasizing about for some time now) and when he came back, I could smell the trans fats on his breath.  I sucked down a blended greens/fruit concoction instead.  I already has a dream last night that I broke the fast, and I woke up relieved it was just a dream.  I have a feeling this is going to be a recurring dream/nightmare throughout the duration of the fast, where my subconscious literally decides what food it wants to indulge in once the fast is over.  And my subconscious is like a little devil, never craving zucchini or fresh fruit!

I am praying day 3 gets easier!  I will say that although I am a bit cranky and short fused, I do feel "cleaner."  And my energy level is fine!


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