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Show and Tell...And the Big Hands


First impressions are important, but you enter into a whole separate level of human perception when a man decides to showcase his wife at work....You know as well as I do that it is important for a woman to know where here man is at work, just as it is important for a man to know where he wife is trekking off to complete her 9-5 day away from him.

My first time at B's work, I pondered Ad nauseam what to wear, how to wear my hair, considering that I did not want to appear over-dressed or over-done, and certainly not frumpy.

I decided on jeans, flats, a sweater and slightly curled hair with natural make-up.  I was paraded around the office and greeted by numerous colleagues.  Everyone was very nice.  The next time I met the co-workers was at the Christmas party.  I had an opportunity to meet more people this time.  We sat across from a man who was very talkative, funny, and clearly liked to lead conversations with his nice and somewhat quieter wife beside him. Overall, the party was a success full of eating, mingling, taking 2nd place in the Dessert Contest!!!! (Yay Mom's Famous Pumpkin Bars - which Bryan aptly named "Pumpkin Bars All Over Your Face" for the contest)

Only days after the Christmas party did I hear that the co-worker we had been sitting across from while we ate had commented to Bryan later at work "Your wife is lovely, beautiful.  She has very big HANDS."

What?????? Who says that? And B explained he said it as a "compliment." Since when and in what universe is a female having "big hands" a compliment???? I was appalled.  And to provide more details to the story, B told me he hadn't even told me about his comment until a couple days after the first hand comment, the man came up to B at work again and said, "Your wife probably hates me now, huh, because I said she has big hands?"  THis indicates to me that HE KNEW it was an off-the-wall comment and completely insulting! He proceeded to explain that it was a good thing I had big hands, for the life of me I will never understand why.


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