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The Cake Ball doesn't fall far from the...stick?


What the Code says about: CAKE POPS.  NOT for the beginner housewife.  Cake pops are a whole new level of play for us cake cravers.  You are thinking, how hard could a cake ball on a stick be? I mean, Hot Dog on a Stick has had unbelieveable mall food court sucess despite their sunshine mad hatter accessories.  Well, this cake ball machine/contraption from BabyCakes promises perfect balls of cake delight on a stick.  It looks like my waffle maker's cousin. I make waffles.  I should be able to do this. 
My mom said she was going to take a stab at it first (pun intended). The apple doesn't fall far from the tree, or in our case, the cake ball doesn't fall far from  But before I could even attempt this phase 3 confection challenge, Bryan and I have literally eaten all the "candy coating" which you are supposed to melt and dip the balls in. Yeah. I'm talking about baking cake balls. Grow up. 

 So, I figure instead of making cake balls, I'm moving directly to Brownie Truffle Kabobs.
I have a recipe in my Sandra Lee Semi-Homemade cook book for Brownie Truffles.  How GOOD do these look! Like donut holes, but not! I am so excited to try these - since Mom went before me with the cake pop fiasco.  I also hear that you can bake a regular cake (using a cake box recipe), once its done baking, crumble it up in a big bowl, add 3/4 a tub of frosting, then roll into balls and bake on a cookie sheet.  This sounds fun too, just watch out for an onset of diabetic coma. 

PS, I love you Sandra Lee.  You taught me how to make meatloaf - I used to think meatloaf was one mutation away from dog food. But Sandra knows how to deliver! I changed her recipe a bit (because I didn't have all ingredients on hand- shocking I know) - I will add pictures and give recipe soon)


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