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Tea Time!


Hello, my name is Kate and I am a coffee drinker. 

 I've tried to be a cool "tea drinker" before and always envied those Eco-friendly, vegan, vintage-chic, braided haired girls sifting their satchels in hot water while I sipped my vanilla latte.  

Now, I have always liked Chai, but I found myself failing at making the switch to the eco-friendly vegan tea goer because I was always needing to add sweeteners or flavored creamers to tea to make it ingestible and/or enjoyable for me.  

However, I have discovered a new treatured tea that is my new obsession!

On a recent date night at Barnes & Noble, B and I each grabbed stacks of books and magazines and poured over our favorite reads over coffee and tea at the in-store Starbucks.  This is where my new found love for this tea was born, right there in the Barnes and Noble, as I sat there reading Alicia Silverstone's "Kind Diet."

I loved it so much I had to buy a tin, and have since considered alternate uses for this aromatic satchel: hang over rear-view mirror as car freshener, place in your "delicates" drawer, hang in closet, break open a few satchels and make bowl of potpourri as a table center piece. 

But as for tea, it's a definite YES for the upcoming fall and holiday season!


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