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Cat + Squash + Microwave = SCREAM VI


I always wanted to try Spaghetti Squash - ever since experiencing the tasty entree from Gastro-pub in the Orange Circle, Downtown Orange.  I have tried rice pasta, quinoa pasta, but now, I feel I'm ready to step up into the big leagues, Sqaush Style.

Allow me to explain, for those of you out there who have yet to venture out to non-grain based noodles, how to cook spaghetti squash.  *Note: I prepared quinoa pasta/baked ziti as a back-up just in case my squash experiment went sour, and in order to feed my hungry bear husband.

How to cook Spaghetti Squash:
Poke fork holes in the big yellow vegetable, microwave it for 12 minutes.  Alternatively, how else will you know it is done?

In my case, I pushed "START" on the microwave and continued to do housework in the other bedroom.  Then, I hear the most painfully horrifying scream echoing from the kitchen.  It sounds, literally, like a dying cat is excruciatingly taking his last pitiful breathes on our kitchen mat.  I run to the kitchen, partially expecting to be met with a yellow squash explosion.  In route (ok it's a few steps, our house is small) I can't help imagining what the scene must have been like in this cat/microwave crime (warning: feline lovers, so not read)

I slid to the microwave, pull open the door and steam is shooting out the fork holes like a train.  I remove the squash, set it on the counter, and begin to cut it open with the anxiousness of an ER surgeon.  Burn! Ouch! My fingers are on fire! Steam is HOTTTT.

I let it sit there, recovering from the high frequency torture both myself an the squash just endured.
Then, once it cooled off, I scraped the spaghetti out with a fork, and it fell out like butter! Super easy! And even more to my surprise, Bryan LOVED it! A squash that size makes a LOT of noodles, so we put it in the fridge for leftovers, and had it for snack, and later in the week for dinner with a little olive oil, garlic, and sauteed veggies.

Overall, it was a great meal- and doe not have the negative effects heavy pasta has on your system.  You just have to be prepared for the screaming! Which reminds me, why is it that every-time I make tea on the stove, I literally JUMP in pure surprise when the kettle screams? I know it's coming, I just can't really prepare for it!

A Little Touch Of Romance...Happy Squashing!


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