You want me to do WHAT?
Microwaves and Balls
Frozen dinner tonight. Healthy Choice. Cheap Choice. Fast Choice. Microwaveable Choice. Dinner is Ready in Six Minutes Choice. NICE. After last nights fiasco: SMART CHOICE.
I am going to bake carrot cupcakes or red velvet cupcakes, because it makes me happy.
I also got a ball to sit on while at the computer in my office. I'm terribly frightened by the prospect of balancing for over 10 minutes straight. Knowing me, I'll get so caught up in a motion or email I am writing I will forget what I am actually perched on and lean back to my demise.
I'll give an update tomorrow on how that pans out. Read more...
From Nails to Cheese....
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Kabobs made by Husband Last Week |
Anyone know any recommendations?
Clearly, my husband has skills that I am still lacking. Read more...
Birch Smirtch!
Ah ah ah ah ah I'm about to blow....
D = Dominant Lion
I = Influencing Otter
S = Stable Golden Retriever
C = Compliant Beaver
I am an otter/beaver. I know, classy. But my husband is nothing other than the GOLDEN RETRIEVER, steady, loyal, calm, understanding, slow to act, low profile, yep, that's him!
The otter is outgoing, good talker, entertains others, impulsive, won't be quiet - the beav is very logical, factual, loves detail, can seem rigid, resistant to change, and can be too serious...
So needless to say, I was SO happy to come home to my retriever. I'm not calling him a dog - I am saying I am so thankful for his calm, his loyalty, his steady eveness which grounds me in my chaos. He made us dinner, and made me have a glass of wine and relax. That's what happiness is to me. Read more...
The Cake Ball doesn't fall far from the...stick?
What the Code says about: CAKE POPS. NOT for the beginner housewife. Cake pops are a whole new level of play for us cake cravers. You are thinking, how hard could a cake ball on a stick be? I mean, Hot Dog on a Stick has had unbelieveable mall food court sucess despite their sunshine mad hatter accessories. Well, this cake ball machine/contraption from BabyCakes promises perfect balls of cake delight on a stick. It looks like my waffle maker's cousin. I make waffles. I should be able to do this.
My mom said she was going to take a stab at it first (pun intended). The apple doesn't fall far from the tree, or in our case, the cake ball doesn't fall far from But before I could even attempt this phase 3 confection challenge, Bryan and I have literally eaten all the "candy coating" which you are supposed to melt and dip the balls in. Yeah. I'm talking about baking cake balls. Grow up.
So, I figure instead of making cake balls, I'm moving directly to Brownie Truffle Kabobs.
I have a recipe in my Sandra Lee Semi-Homemade cook book for Brownie Truffles. How GOOD do these look! Like donut holes, but not! I am so excited to try these - since Mom went before me with the cake pop fiasco. I also hear that you can bake a regular cake (using a cake box recipe), once its done baking, crumble it up in a big bowl, add 3/4 a tub of frosting, then roll into balls and bake on a cookie sheet. This sounds fun too, just watch out for an onset of diabetic coma.
PS, I love you Sandra Lee. You taught me how to make meatloaf - I used to think meatloaf was one mutation away from dog food. But Sandra knows how to deliver! I changed her recipe a bit (because I didn't have all ingredients on hand- shocking I know) - I will add pictures and give recipe soon)
The Circle of Life - Sponges
So we were watching Home Improvement the other night, (Bryan fell asleep, as usual :)) and Jill was explaining this complicated process (watch entire video! HILARIOUS) to Tim about the hierarchy of kitchen sponges. I was loving it! BEcause in my head I was reaffirming that I already implement that same sponge process in our kitchen, but then I realized- Oh MY GOSH, what if Bryan doesn't know the circle of life of the sponges?
So, we had to have that conversation. And now we color code them...But I can't help but wonder...what goes on when I'm not looking.
Coincidentally, this episode also exemplifies what happens when mom goes to work, and doesn't have time to make the gingerbread houses, or bake for the school bake sale....things start to get sloppy when you don't have TIME to do it all!!!!
Ah sigh. Time to go swing in our as Bryan says "SOOO orange county low profile tire swing which serves no functional purpose - purely aesthetic"
Pregnancy Mask? Or Just Too Much Vitamin D?

Oh the Collages....

The Need to Escape Anonymity
“If you can learn to use your mind as well as your powder puff, you will become more truly beautiful.” Sophia Loren
My mom mentioned Sophia the other day...well, she couldn't remember her name - all she said was, remember that beautiful brunette actress....and I knew exactly who she was talking about.
Courage. Glamour. Determination. Illumination.
What a bombshell beauty - timeless and classic...isn't that what we all strive for? She has the kind of beauty that only comes from a roaring confidence and courage deep within...that kind of fire inside cannot be contained but radiates outward and extends from your very core. To exude confidence and sex appeal because you are okay with who you are and what you stand for is bold, and expressive, and at times frightening, frightening to feel. Sometimes the thought of actually feeling, let alone expressing that feeling just hurts too bad, and you want to remain comatose and numb.
Sophia was told over and over that she was not a classical beauty: with her nose too long, her mouth too large, her chin and her hips too broad. But what others could not see at first, was that the total of all her face parts, her body language and her inner beauty made her stunning.
“I was suffused with the feeling that that’s what I was put on earth to do, to act, to express myself, to let out whatever feelings I had inside; and perhaps a need to escape anonymity.” (Sophia. Living and Loving. Her Own Story)
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Pre-photoshop times, Gorgeous! |
I think when we believe in what is greater than who we are, we are transcended in the process and become greater beings than we perceive of ourselves. And finally, as Sophia states so concisely: “Success, I would find out, is interior. It has to do with self-fulfillment and the joy of living.”

Banana Bread Modernized!
Banana bread has always perplexed me. I don't eat bananas, I would never touch a spotted banana, much less a compost-ready banana.
However, I'd be rich if I had a nickel for every time I downed a loaf of banana bread so fast it got stuck in my throat and I thought I was going to die eating a processed carbohydrate.
For some reason though, banana bread is comfort food. It smells amazing and it never gets old. You can't really mess the recipe up either, which i like. The only thing i could think of better that is better than banana bread, are banana chocolate chunk muffins.... so I made them.
I know these pictures are not the greatest and I am in the process of getting a digital SLR camera to better capture the ooey goodness of my non-burned baked goods. This batch of little muffins were so good I tried to freeze half of them so we wouldnt eat them all in 2 days. They lasted about 4 days. The recipe is from my aunt Kerry from Nebraska and will be posted in the recipes section.
Turns out, turning old rotting compost fruit into a delicious treat is quite the tasty treat. Call me David Copperfield.
Welcome to the Brotherhood of Shaving
Obviously...women are not the only ones who deserve a top of the line product-filled sink routine, right?
Matt and I had entered the monochromatic barber boutique in search of a comparison between purchasing disposable razers (which gets annoying and costly) vs. the straight razor which never goes bad. You can purchase a hand crafted horn handled straight razer like the one below for only $260. Just please don't attempt to travel the friendly skies with this bad boy, TSA will confiscate that concealed weapon before you can say badger brush. Speaking of badgers...

Either way, I felt compelled to at least purchase a starter kit for Bryan. I went with the lemon scent, which smells amazing. He hasn't been too impressed with it, and i think more than anything, this marketing appeals to the women who are in the malls more than men to begin with! Not that there is anything wrong with's nice to be able to buy a gift for your man that he can use everyday...I'm just not sure mine would. He prefers the scruffy look...and I don't mind it. But, beware, too much kissy face with a grunged up hottie can cause your skin around your moth to break out as the oils produced from his skin get trapped in his beard and then rub against our pores. Kinda gross, but back to the Art of Shaving...
So although the majority of the world categorizes shaving as a mundande daily task, it obviously is not. It's not only an ART, it's a cash cow niche!! Had founders and creators Myriam and Eric not sold their $12,000 car in 1995 and followed their dream of the impossibly smooth shave, this cash cow Proctor and Gamble recently ate up over would have never actualized. And the fact of the matter is, selling the classic, clean shaven image that the good ol boys represented is priceless isn't it?
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Carey Grant |