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Pressure to PhotoFacial


This is the face of the ad for a Photofacial or ReFirme Treatment at trueBeauty Aesthetics in Rancho Cucamonga ($400 Value) from Groupon!  It's going for $99! These are the kinds of ads that just GET me! I mean how easy is it to convince yourself you NEED a facial - you WILL look younger, like this girl, rested, refreshed, and you're SAVING $300! Hell, if you DON"T buy this you won't have another chance to save this kind of money! (despite reality which is Living Social will have a most identical post within a week!) And besides, there's nothing like a countdown and the growing number of sales to prove peer pressure is alive and well...
Before you can talk yourself out of it, you have clicked "buy now" and you are feeling high....excited, and wanting to tell everyone (except your hubby) about your new purchase, you swiftly dial the number, print out your groupon in hand, day planner in hand, ready to book your spa day only to realize that they are booked 4 months out, all weekends and evenings (because every other working stressed out fine line crows feet fearing working woman clicked "buy now" one second faster than you.  Now I just feel stupid.  And so goes the circular buyer's remorse induced purely by the greedy and profitable advertising agencies and those crafty little humorous creative writers at Groupon who probably are getting paid in company stocks and will be able to retire before I ever get an appointment to remove my ever growing frown lines. 


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