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Bird Seed Dinner, Party of ONE


Last week, when B was out golfing late with the boys from the office,  I was left to my own devices for dinner.  Usually that means, nibble here, snack there, until I am full, but I usually never feel like dirtying dishes for one.  But it got to be 9:20pm and I still was not that hungry.  I just felt like I should still make something.

I juiced this morning with B, a nice apple, orange, cabbage, ginger medley, and had some crunchy flax cereal that B set aside with a morbid look on his face and pouted, "I can't eat that crap."  I knew I should have got some Gorilla Munch.  Oh well, next time I am at Mother's I will pick up some Vanilla Crunch Flax Cereal.  

Anyway, I had an apple with peanut butter for lunch, and snacked on some dried apple rings, raw cashews and plantain crisps in the afternoon.  It's not like I even ate full meals - which is why I am beginning to believe that this whole gluten free, sugar free, drinking water instead of soda, and eating organic and trying to be 80% raw is actually working for my body quite well.

Halfway through my salad, I almost spit out my lime Perrier all over the dining room table.  Excuse my manners, but I spotted a hair in my food; one from my very own, freshly washed, still wet mane.  I thought to myself, exactly what kind of Grade C establishment am I running in my kitchen?

I should have been okay with it, but I was overly grossed out.  I pushed a pile of romaine over it (I can't even type the word "ha**as I am writing this because I am still disturbed) and tried to block it out of my mind.  Why is our own hair so repulsive? Some strangers hair? OK - that is grounds for an upheaval.  But your own hair?  Still. Not. Okay. 

I ended up making a vegetable saute, cooked quinoa (or bird seed as B calls it) with chopped onion and a garlic clove ...and salad with leftover guacamole and olive oil, apple cider vinegar and balsamic dressing.  Topped with soy mozzarella cheese.

I sprinkled a bit of Bragg Soy Protein below on top of the quinoa for taste.

I am only beginning to see the multiple uses for BRAGG products.

I will help you out though, take notes: DO NOT DRINK Apple Cider Vinegar straight from the bottle.

It tastes like - it tastes like....I don't even know, just don't drink it.


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