Home Made Garlic, Chicken and Vegetable Fusilli (G-Free)
With Chicken
*Make sure to get Organic/Free Range/Grass Fed
Without Chicken
Everything in the Refrigerator Drawer Pasta Sauce:
Heat olive oil on medium in sauce pan, then add the following ingredients:
- 5 tbsp extra virgin olive oil
- Garlic Cloves (3)
- Chopped White Onion
- Sliced Mushrooms
- 1 tbsp White Wine
- 4 Tbsp Cream
- salt, pepper, herbs, and parmesan cheese (if desired)
- sliced zucchini and tomatoes add in very last, cover and let simmer for 5 minutes.

Quinoa Fusilli - cook for 15 minutes.
Then, it's dishes time! Bryan and I usually trade off - whoever cooks gets to relax, and vice versa. But if you do the dishes together, not only are you spending time together, you get them done in less than half the time!
My handsome Hubby!
After dinner Blogging session!
A yummy new dessert I tried! It seems everything is coconut lately! But no Gluten!
I even bought coconut oil, which you can liquify in warm water, and put on your hair or skin for an hour, then rinse off...I am going to try it this weekend and will report back with results!
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