After hearing a lot lately about woman in their late 20's to mid 30's being plagued by fatigue, inflammation, muscle and joint pain, cramping, and feeling altogether toxic...I decided to dive into some reserach about what is infiltrating our bodies and find out the cause and effect that our environment, food and drink we ingest, and altogether crammed lifestyles has on our health and longevity. Like most people, it is way too easy for me to post-pone and prolonge making the seizmic shift to a healthier way of living and eating. Just how damaging is our culture of instant gratification to our bodies and lifespans? Many people I know are altering their habits and food choices and opting for the gluten free, sugar free, Paleolithic type diets in order to change the way they feel. It takes a solid commitment and most people wait until they are faced with an unpleasant diagnosis to decide to turn the corner and alter their habits. They say it takes 3 weeks to change any habit. I think it takes a lot more than that. Research, understanding, planning, scheduling, and acquiring an affinity of nutty not to mention trying to find restaurants or So much of our culture and social agendas are based around eating and drinking. You call up a friend and decide to catch up over a cup of coffee, desert, fro-yo, or brunch. A majority of family gatherings are often spent chatting and munching around the kitchen island or table. More than a couple of my good friends have jumped on this gluten free, homeopathic remedial regime, and it does make it a bit challenging to say the least when you plan your net outing. The good new is there are a variety of options now on menus at commercial dining establishments and at healthy grocers such as Mother's Market, Sprouts and Henry's. But it is not so simple to alter your social agenda to the point of getting excited about planning a holistic and au natural meal...comfort food starts to take on a whole new meaning. Coffee colonics, gluten free bird seed granola for $6 a package...It;s not that enticing to jump on that health train.

But making small daily changes like popping a multi-vitamin and probiotic are easy switches that can get you started on the path to feeling better. Recently, after a long week and achy joints, I bought a carton of Epson Salts and decided to draw a nice relaxing bubble bath. It said on the carton to pour 2 cups of salts into a warm bath and soak in the relief. I thought, double the salt, double the relief, right?
Not so much. I ended up sitting on a grainy mountain of salt, and constantly had to shift to avoid chaffing my lower extremities. Lesson learned, follow the directions, because often times, less is more!
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