Swing and Spring into Summer...
Summer time, around 5:30-6:30pm is my ALL time favorite time of day...If I could, I would make this time of the day extend for 5 hours...it is magical! Maybe we will replace that low profile tire with a hammock!
And speaking of being outside, I can't even describe the high I get from exploring the gardening section of places like Home Goods and Big Lots. And I have also recently discovered my affinity towards the Home Depot. I used to think HD's sole purpose was to have a place for men to go, where they can spend hours browsing aisles and not feel like a pansy. Let's be honest, I thought it to be a man mall.
But my eyes are now open to the glory of gardening! If B says he is running to Home Depot or Ace Hardware to pick up a few things on a Saturday morning, I jump at the opportunity to join him. I had no idea these places had so many cool finds!
But gardening is not for the weak thumbed. Unless you have a fulltime herbologist on staff, I recommend plants of the eternal silk variety - pros: low maintenance and water free. Cons: can be expensive, look a little creepy, and do not produce oxygen.
I wanted to try my nongreen thumb out by starting small on a potted herb kit. The easy part was planting the seeds. It was soothing. I don't know exactly why, its hard to describe. It just IS. It reminded me of when I was a kid and used to make mud pies in our backyard after it rained. I guess its the same satisfaction you get from creating a meal from scratch, a sense of pride attaches when you have a stake in the outcome. I set my pot out front and waited with anticipation for the first sight of life.
Within a week, I was so HAPPY at my herbs growing!
Then things got busy, and I neglected my baby pot for a few days.
It did not like that. I attempted herb CPR, and revived a portion.
I apparently overestimated my green thumb skills...What started out as a colorful hanging pot from Home Depot on sale for 6.99
Soon became less vibrant:
I will keep trying...
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