Weekend Review for Favorite Fragrances!
Newer favorite: Twirl by Kate Spade (thank you BirchBox for the trial sample)

For those of you willing to take risks, MUSC is the way to go. It's sensual and musc-y, but this particular kind is a man magnet. IT is made with Egyptia oil, which I think makes it stay longer because it does not absorb so quickly into your skin. Note: Egyptian Musc + TURMOIL in Middle East + = EXPENSIVE. This bottle is $160 at Sephora.
And for my favorite, which is no longer carried, I love Imperial by Faberge. This stuff does not come cheap, but does come in a velvety pouch, and is my "special occasions" perfume. They have other fragrances like Princess of Monaco which comes with a green cap. I wish these were never discontinued!
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